Take a break in your day and join us for our Lunch Break Book Club! Whether you are caregiving or looking for a way to connect with others, together we will explore timely topics while engaging with fellow community members. Sponsored by Hospice of the Piedmont and Senior Resources of Guilford, the Book Club focuses on caregivers although anyone in the community is invited to participate.
Event Details
Join us on Thursday, April 10 as we begin exploring our next book selection, Already Toast: Caregiving and Burnout in America by Kate Washington. The kickoff event will be a chance to meet other participants and take part in an introduction to the book. All participants will reconvene on Thursday, May 8 after reading the selection for a book club discussion. Attendance at the kickoff event is required to be part of the discussion.
Already Toast – Kickoff
Thursday, April 10
12 noon
High Point Public Library | Morgan Community Room
901 N. Main Street, High Point
(refreshments will be provided)
Registration is required by completing the form below by Tuesday, April 8. If you have questions, please contact Ryan Biagini at 336-889-8446.
"*" indicates required fields
About the Book
Already Toast: Caregiving and Burnout in America
by Kate Washington
When Kate Washington and her husband, Brad, learned that he had cancer, they were a young couple: professionals with ascending careers, parents to two small children. Brad’s diagnosis stripped those identities away: he became a patient and she his caregiver.
Through it all, she felt profoundly alone, but, as she later learned, she was in fact one of millions: an invisible army of family caregivers working every day in America, their unpaid labor keeping our troubled healthcare system afloat. Because our culture both romanticizes and erases the realities of care work, few caregivers have shared their stories publicly.
This book brings together personal experience with deep research to give voice to those tasked with the overlooked, vital work of caring for the seriously ill.