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The E-Series: A Caregiver’s Story – Ron C.

In this special episode of The E-Series, host Ryan Biagini has a candid conversation with caregiver Ron Coleman about the complexities of role reversal and caring for an aging parent. Together, they explore the deep and conflicting emotions that can surface as care roles shift and the importance of acknowledging and normalizing these challenges.

Feb 3, 2025

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Guest Bio: Ron is an experienced caregiver and has served as a hospice volunteer for 7 years. He has a blended family with six children, nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren. After retiring in 2011, he spent 16 years as a DivorceCare facilitator. He enjoys being active in his church, volunteering in the community, writing, cooking and fishing.


Presented by Hospice of the Piedmont and Hospice of Randolph, The E-Series is an educational webinar series aimed at engaging our community, exploring relevant topics and educating about ways to connect with our organization. Funding for The E-Series is provided by the Dr. John A. Lusk Fund for Hospice and Palliative Care Education. For more information about the E-Series, visit www.hospiceofthepiedmont.org.